BIMplement was presented to the European Council for Construction Research, Development and Innovation (ECCREDI)
On 13 May, the BIMplement project was presented to ECCREDI members by Myriam Olivier, from BIMplement partner ASTUS, France. During the presentation, Myriam explored the advantages of implementing BIM in the construction site by using the BIMplement methodology and...
Why a specific BIM training is required for timber construction companies?
The peculiarity of timber construction companies lies first of all in the fact that they have been using 3D software for a long time (sometimes about twenty years for some of them…). The aim of their software was, in addition to a better understanding of the...
Sixth and final meeting of the BIMplement consortium in Lille
The sixth and final meeting of the BIMplement consortium took place on February 27 and 28 in Lille (France). The project has requested an extension of 6 months and will end in August 2020. During the meeting, special work was done on the coherence between all work...
Webinar: “Are we ready for BIM in construction sites? A reality check: Experiences from the ground”
Date: 3 Dec 2019, 10.00 – 12.00 CET Organiser: ACE, Architects Council Europe Venue: BuildUp platform Framework: BIMplement project This webinar took place Tuesday, 3 December 2019. Please watch the recording and consult the presentation by clicking on the following...
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