Lietuvos Statybininku Asociacija
Vaidotas Šarka
Vaidotas Šarka is Lithuanian Civil Engineer with PhD in Technology science awarded by the “Vilnius Gediminas Technical Univercity, Lithuania”, Construction specialization. He is experianced Project manager and senior expert at different IEE, FP6, FP7 and H2020 projects related with Energy efficiency, Sustainability evaluation and BIM topics such as „ECOlife“; „Perfection“ „Open House“, „Energotrain“, „Net_UBIEP“, „BIMPlement“. At the present he is Head of BIM regional development WG at Public organization «Digital Construction», CEO at InnoBIM UAB, Project manager at Lithuanian Builders Association, Assoc. Professor and Lecture at VGTU also BIM manager and BIM Coordinator at different buildings design and construction objects; trainer, consultant and researcher. LinkedIn: vaidotas.sarka