BIMplement fully buils on the available results of the related BUILD UP Skills (BUS) and Construction Skills projects combining quality assurance with large scale qualification schemes. The results of the BIMplement project were uploaded to the open database of the PROF/TRAC project, a key BUS project in which nZEB technologies, professions and skills were mapped:
- A self-instruction guide for implementing BIMplement methodology and Qualifications Framework in other countries and for other topics beyond ventilation and air tightness. (D5.2).
- Methodology guide on qualification methodology, raising awareness methodology, methods and supports for contractors. (D5.5).
- Training content and list of tools for BIMplement coach. (D4.2).
- Tools and learning methods and qualification schemes for BIM workplace trainers. (D4.5).
- Review and report of the qualification scheme on the pilot field labs, the experimental sites and realization of the BIMplement-guide. (D4.6).
- BIMplement kit: pedagogical method that consists of 12-one-hour training sessions, that can be given to site operators by an employee of the company previously trained on the BIM process, the use of viewers, and the use of the BIMplement Kit (+ info).
- “Maturity scan” tool: provides a general overview of the level of skills of all stakeholders, in terms of BIM, but also nZEB, airtightness and ventilation (+ info).
- Catalogue of constructive elements: Software containing a library of elements that can be exported in IFC and imported from any BIM modelling program (+ info).
- BUILD UP Skills advisor-app: instruction guide (+ info).
- Training content and list of tools for BIMplement coach. (D4.2).
- Presentation of the DIJON pilot project as an example on how to analyse a project
- BIMplement training pack presentation of the role of the BIMplement trainers, as well as the different steps in the project analysis and contents of the different training sessions
- BIM coaches training (January 2018): presentation of nZEB, ventilation and airtightness stakes
- Questionaire about the BIMplement coaches skills (January 2018)
- “Handbook for the introduction of building information modeling by the European public sector” slide presentation of this hand book realized by EU_BIM_taskgroup.
- “Handbook for the introduction of building information modeling by the European public sector” document realized by EU_BIM_taskgroup.
- BIM Planning Guide for Facility Owners: structured approach to effectively plan the integration of BIM within an organization.
- Standard Protocol for use in projects using Building Information Models
- NBS National BIM Report 2018: annual report on worldwide BIM implementation
- Presentation of a classification system for the uses of BIM
- Post training inquiry to check the knowledge acquired during the training sessions
- English BIMplement leaflet
- French BIMplement leaflet
- Visualization of BIMplement methodology as part of a 3D model
- BIM awareness campaign: objectives, messages, target groups, methodology, tools
- The Implementation service concept developed shows the possible alternative paths, approaches, and tools on how the methodologies could be applied in particular organisational settings. (D5.6).