Nearly Zero Energy Building (nZEB) construction and renovation need an enhanced systematic approach for the quality control of the entire process. This is the first prerequisite to reduce the gap between designed (predicted) and actual performances of buildings, both in terms of energy efficiency and in indoor environmental quality. The most important part of this enhanced quality control approach is a fully qualified and equipped workforce, capable to implement, execute and perform all the necessary labor actions with a full understanding of the responsibility of their own profession and actions, as well as the relation with the other involved professions and actions within the value chain.
BIMplement offered a methodology to create and standardize the needed qualifications and a range of learning tools to unlock and implement these qualifications. To be future-ready subject specific qualifications were enriched with the skills and competences needed when performing the job in a nZEB project that is using BIM. By using a standardised methodology the created qualifications will be transparent and comparable between EU member states, thus facilitating and providing EU mobility.
This approach was condensed in the following objectives:
– To improve the overall quality of nZEB new constructions and renovations, based on BIM-enabled workplace learning, addressing the entire value chain in a cross-trades multidisciplinary approach
– To create a new generation of professionals and craftsmen, qualified to deliver high quality nZEB-projects by using technical, cross-trade and BIM skills and competences
– To foster interactions between different trades and professions enabled by a flexible qualification methodology for integrating technical, cross-trade and BIM related skills and competences into the workplace learning environment
– To sustain the qualification and training schemes a replication and exploitation strategy was developed and validated