The overall methodology of BIMplement was based on the direct implementation of the results of the related BUS and Construction Skills projects in combination with a direct implementation of the methodologies combining quality assurance with large scale qualification schemes. This was brought into practice on local and regional scale, by demonstrating, testing and validating the methodology and effectiveness of qualification schemes in real projects. By using the existing local and regional networks of the project partners involved a large impact was achieved within a short time.
The project phases in BIMplement were:
BIMplement developed and implemented a quality-oriented Qualification Framework. It consisted of task based descriptions of competences, skills and knowledge needed in order to connect available knowledge such as learning content and quality inspections to the BIM-model, the building process and the actors involved.
The BIMplement methodology addressed the entire value chain of the building sector and all professions involved. Learning and project results were used to create three different kind of learning loops within the project, between projects and within the value chain.
Complete information in the Deliverables of Work Packages WP2 & WP3: click here
To verify the established matrix and qualification framework, the methodology was tested and validated in 49 construction and renovation projects in France, the Netherlands, Spain, Lithuania, and Poland. For this phase it was necessary to: carry out awareness campaigns to involve real projects, companies and workers, analyze the 3D or BIM model available from those projects and in many occasions create or improve it, offer tools and teaching material and create a personalized training for each project according to their level of maturity in BIM and nZEB, establish guidelines for coaches and teachers, learn from experience and draw useful conclusions to exploit the methodology in the future.
Complete information in the Deliverables of Work Package WP4: click here
An exploitation strategy was developed in order to upscale the methodology to other topics and to other countries by a free and open methodology, implementation services and a shared open development platform.
Complete information in the Deliverables of Work Package WP5: click here